Sunday, February 23, 2014

Works in Progress

I love the whole leader/ender concept! Especially when you are working on something that... is not your favorite in the whole wide world! Shhhh I didn't just say that!So here are the leader enders this weekend...
God's eye

1) this is one of two I HAVE to get finished!!! My Brother Asked me to make 4 quillows for his girls... Two of them are finished here. The other two are two of the L/E I'm working on! The first I am not that fond of. Here's the thing. I LOVE to work with bright fun colours! I'm not a plain jane... That being said I give you God's Eye! Sean (A.K.A. Baby Brother)  told me what colours to use and chose patterns. I'm using light pink, dark pink and black! And there are a LOT of picky points to match up! Much more persnickety than I like to be! LOL So I throw it in between thee other two I'm working on!

Courthouse steps
2) is the 2nd for Baby Brother. It is your basic courthouse steps with a nine patch center nothing special! I have most of the blocks done, but I have to decide if I need another 'round' on them or if they are big enough! half of them are blue and purple the other half are blue and pink (because he told me colour choices were blue, purple, and pink!) I have had a HUGE blue stash... until this, Celtic Solstice, and my next gem! Oh, have I ever told y'all that blue is my least favorite colour! LOL

3) I guess you can't say you are doing leader/enders without actually working on a leader/ender!! LOL So... I decided it was time to begin another adventure with Bonnie! I started work on 'Blue Ridge Beauty'. I am using NOTHING but stash for it! I have cut up all the fabric! I was CRAZY psyched to get to use some of my 4 inch squares from the swap with Bolo Head. This quilt is ALL Blues and Oranges! There is a reason for this... some people bleed blue and orange around these parts! But we will get to that when I get closer to finished!!!
Bits and pieces!
I HAD to see progress! So I sewed up 4 squares!
Four done 192 left!!

All right friends! I'm off to work on these three! I'm going NOWHERE today! Press... cut... SEW!!!!
Have a GREAT Sunday! 
See you soon!
Till then...
Quilt on friends, 

1 comment:

  1. Well you are accomplishing a lot and everything is so pretty. I like the leader-ender idea as well. That's how I'm managing to get my little postage stamp squares sewn together.
